Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yesterday was a very challenging day.  I learned a lot of about people and their ways and how to react to that in Gods way.  Even though people may think that they know you or what you are going through and don't.  Try not to let that get to you.  It is super hard as our heart gets hurt by hurtful things.  I also learned something myself, I thought I knew something about someone else and where that person was but I didn't.  That person showed me love and protection and that I was not expecting.  Some I got to see and experience a situation from inside and out, and how that made me feel.  So when you look at this what we need to remember doesn't matter how we feel or what they made us feel like ever situation deserves to be treated like God was handling it.  It can turn someones thinking around including your own.  I know it isn't easy this this kinda world but it is so important  to try and be the Godly person that  our LORD would want us to be.  Love each other and leave the judging to him.  Thank God for all this.  AMEN

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today I want to thank God for the things that he has given me the opportunity to move forward with. I struggle some days with the things that drag me down.  The pressure that I feel on my chest is letting this hold me back. I learned this yesterday and know I will let go of that.  I will ask God to take this from me and to help me let go and free myself from this pain and hurt that I hold on to.  I thought I was letting go but its here and I feel it.  I know I can do this as I have done much bigger.  I also know that God will be with me guiding me in the direction of him and helping with this next step.  So I will begin my day with all this and letting go of it to free my heart to what God has open for me.  I think sometimes we think that we are free but deep berried somewhere in there it comes out.  Through our thoughts or just how we protect ourselves from this.  God will protect us.  So I ask you Lord let me free myself of this pain and move forward today in your plan and stop looking for mine.  I want to live like you and with you always inside me.  Thank you for sending your son to take this from us so that we can be free to be with you.  This I am so grateful for and cant serve you enough to repay what you son paid for us.  I will try today and ever day I have here to be the servant that you son was.  I LOVE YOU so very much, you are the first thing in my life and everything else comes after you.  I know this sometimes is hard but I know that you will carry me through anything.  Amen.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This morning I heard a quote "there are two important days in our life's, the first is the day you were born the second is the day you discover why".  That meant a lot to me and I tell you I am still figuring out why.  I was really moving fast with something and I needed to step back and review why I was moving fast and I think i figured it out.  I want to move into Gods direction and I know he will take me there, well I mean that he is taking me there and I am grateful for that every moment.  I learned a lot lately about people and how they can be and what do we do with those feelings.  I know that God doesn't want us to hurt but also know this is a learning process.  It is sometimes very painful but out of this pain comes greatness.  I know he is with me and will never give me more pain than I can handle.  its doesn't feel like that when the ones we love and trust the most are the ones that hurt us.  But remember one thing that one day they too will realize what they have done and learn just as we have.  Thank you GOD.  I cant ever picture my life without you and what you bring me.  You have brought me more joy and love then all the pain that I have gone through.  That is what I remember every time I feel hurt.  The Joy that comes after is so great.  I LOVE YOU GOD>>>>> follow him he brings greatness.

Monday, May 28, 2012

It is Memorial day, I want to thank all the ones that have died and sacrificed for our freedom. What an honor to have all these people we don't even know fight for us.  Tell me that God didn't live in each of them, you know he did. Yesterday at church Mike Byes talked about his son Adam who served our country and died last year.  This is an amazing man, family.  He is speaking on behalf of his son today at first star I believe.  but what he asked us to do was to stop whatever we are doing at 11:00 am and pray and honor or fallen.  They all deserve this so if you are reading please take that time and do this.  when Adam died I just started my journey and I felt the Holy Spirit with his name and his family.  Then at church I felt it with his family and didn't realize that it was his family.  So he is a part of my life and I will honor him and all the others that have given me freedom.  Freedom to choose what and when I do things, just as God has given us freedom.  We all have the freedom to choose,  I choose to be a follower of Christ because this choice to me is the ONLY good choice.  He directs me to great people and blesses me by choosing him.  He shows me and guides me to a wonderful life of him and good.  Good people, Good family, Good church, Good friends GOOD LIFE.  what more could I ask for.  Thank you Lord.  I praise you so much and love you for loving me.  I give my whole self to you, to serve and honor you Lord for my days.  Amen

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Today is Sunday my favorite day of the week now.  I want to serve you Lord in anyway that you may need me.  Please guide me that direction and let me know who it is that needs your guidance and who I can help with your words.  I had a great day yesterday, had coffee with an old and very dear friend.  I am so glad that I had a dream about him that led us up to meet.  Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, it shows how to be thankful for all the blessings that God gives us.  It gives us purpose for the reason that jesus died for us. without this we only have darkness Thank you my Lord.  I praise you for it and sing to the highest to praise you.  Which is a funny thing cause I cant sing but boy it seems as if I am made to sing when I think of him and sing it just comes flowing out.  In my mind it is beautiful, but I realize that not to everyone else does is sound so beautiful. Just as I was writing this the song "you are beautiful my sweet sweet song" started playing.  I am really singing now.  My day is started out wonderful and I and the Lord with me will make this even more wonderful.  I ask him to give me patience and understanding today.  I love you so so so very much My GOD.  Amen.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Good morning everyone. I hope that you all had a good night. I did I got to talk to someone special till late and that made me smile.  Anyway I want to talk about something that I struggled with for awhile.  I thought I wanted something so bad because it pretended to be so good.  I knew in my heart that it wasn't what it seemed.  God warned me several times why did I not listen.  Good question and it just about took my friendship away with someone very dear to me.  We were also warned about that.  I know that people are not always what they appear to be and I guess I just wanted to believe that someone that says they are christian and go to church and say they really believe are not of these ways but I was wrong.  I am not judging as I have my own sins that I battle with.  I just want to let people out there know that even though we think something is so good and right it isn't aways what it appears to be, as God says love all but be weary of their wicked ways.   So really I mean really listen to what God is trying to tell you and there is a reason we don't always get what we want.  Trust me I know this all to well, but I also know that there is something much better ahead.  I am glad I waited cause he has blessed me with this.  Knowing the TRUTH about this helped me heal. The TRUTH shall set you free.  This means so much more now.  God you are truly amazing and I am a very blessed girl so Thank you and I do praise you for all the blessing you continue to shine in my heart and I didn't ever think I could be this happy.  Thank you thank you thank you Lord our God for being beside me and guiding me.  I am GRATEFUL.  Amen

So today is about Sharing, sharing the love of the Lord and restoring Faith.  I have no problem sharing the Love of our Lord,  I enjoy talking about him to anyone who wants to listen and or share their experiences with me too.  I like to hear what they are going through and what I can learn from them.  There is always something new to learn, what a great thing.  God is blessing me beyond my wildest dreams.  My friend Cliff lost his father the other morning, so my heart is with him in this time of need.  I know that Michael is with you Lord and that he is out of pain and happy.  I am grateful for that, thank you. Please help ease the pain of a loss one for Cliff and let him know that there are people out there that really care. Amen and God bless

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today I simply just want to say Thank you to our Lord.  I want to praise him for the blessings that he has given me and continues to bless me.  I was talking to my friend last night about this and how much I can not even picture my life any other way.  I always want to feel the Lord in my life and continue going forward.  I want to become everything that he has always wanted for me. I cant even imagine my old life anymore I know that this is the only way is to be with him and continue to serve him in anyway that he needs me.  I ask him to guide me and show me what to do today, tomorrow and the rest of my life.  I know that whatever it is that he has planned for me is much more then what I thought my plans were.  I know he will only give me the life that is the best life ever.  Boy oh Boy is this so very exciting.  Lord I love you more and more.  I want to become more and more his servant.  My prayers still go out to Cliff and his dad in Italy please if any of you are reading say a prayer for a miracle for Michael and his health.  As we know Lord that we can not heal him, but you can.  I believe you will.  Thank you Lord and continue to hold my hand and show me the way.  I cant imagine any other hand I would hold and fully trust to take me your way.  This I am very thankful for.  Amen

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I was awaken again just as I was sent an email from a special friend.  I am still praying for him and his dad that is ill.  I was thinking about something that was said to me awhile back.  God gives us what we pray for, maybe not in the exact package that we wanted but in the one God thinks is best for us.  what an amazing thing to say.  this just made me think that sometimes we don't look deep enough and if we did what would we find.  So I say Pray to God ask him and you shall receive in his gift wrapping not the one we pick.  If you are not sure which one or what is from God ask him.  He will show you just as he is showing me.  I am so blessed to have the gift of him in my life and to be able to Love our God in a way that we could never explain.  My dear friend said to me the other day that the Love for our children as most of you know is the strongest Love, stronger and different from any kind of Love that things, men, can give us.  So imagine what kinda of Love God gives us as we are all his children it is much more then what we could ever feel as he has this amazing Love for all no matter what. I have to thank you Dee for this because it inspired me to think and realize what I have and that is all that matters.  Love does Conquer all.  Or should I re site the song "Love is all we need".  What amazing people and things that God does for me and you.  I will leave you all with this today.... I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU...Amen to our Lord....God Bless

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I was awoke this morning just as a friend needed me.  Thank you Lord for that, I am glad that I could listen to him and share this with him.  My prays go out to his dad Michael as he is ill.  He is flying to Italy tonight to be with him so have a safe trip.  when I was talking to him I was also realizing myself what Gods purpose is and this isn't our plan but his. He chooses how we go and there is a reason and a purpose.  Does this make it easy to loose a loved one, no not at all. But what can make our hearts not hurt so much is that we know where this person will be and whom they will be with.  Our Lord Our God, how great is that.  I miss all my family that has passed but I also know that they are with God and they help us through some of our times here.  I do pray very much that God looks after Michael and takes his pain and cancer away make him whole and one with God.  What an amazing GOD that we have and I am here to thank him.  Thank you Lord for bringing these kinds of people into my life.  I love you so very much.  Amen

Monday, May 21, 2012

So my goal today is to get out there and share the word of God as much as I can.  I want to share my blessings with the world and show then that God does this for everyone out there that believes.  He likes to bless us and it makes him proud.  I asked God for the gift of people seeing him through me and he has given me that so in return I will give back by telling everyone what a great God he is.  I cant wait to share my life with someone that is on the same path as I am or even stronger. I just cant even imagine it gets better but I know it does.  God can do anything, ANYTHING.  what a miracle.  So I will go about my day with a smile for everyone, I will be quick to listen, slow to speak, I will lend a helping hand where needed and show people that this is possible to be with Gods help.  Even in the bad times.  So I ask you dear Lord guide me today in this direction and path and along my journey let me extend my arm and hands just as you do to bring in and have them walk along side of me in your direction anyone who is willing and needs your LOVE and HOPE.  Show me who and what they need and give me the strength and the resources to provide for them.  Let me be your servant in the Lord.  This I want and this I will be.  Thank you Lord for all.  God Bless and AMEN.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Church was great this morning we had some people from Canada.  I have been blessed so much with all the things that God has given me.  I continue to get blessed.  I have met someone that makes me feel amazing.  I cant wait to see where this takes me and my family.  I thank you Lord for continuing to bless me more then I ever thought possible.  I feel so Happy.  Even when there are sad times he picks me right back up.  I was talking to someone special the other day and he told me this amazing story of how mean and sad someone was to him and he turned around and did the most amazing thing for them and their family.  I knew then how special this person was and how I wanted them in my life for a very long time.  These kinda people are rare but keepers.  when we do things Gods way this is how he blesses us with people who love us and we will keep in our life's forever.  Thank you.  I have some anger that I need to get rid of and it stems from a bad relationship I am asking God to please take that away.  I have been really good with that lately, but from no where it just showed up today.  I was so ashamed.  I know that God will take this away because I am asking him to.  I believe and have faith that it will leave my life.  I will continue to pray and would appreciate anyone else who would do the same for me.  I want this to leave forever.  Thank you God and God bless you all.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

So yesterday was a great day again. I went and worked out then spent some special time with my youngest daughter Emma.  Spend  a lot of time getting to know someone new.  He is awesome person.  anyway God keeps blessing me more and more each day I am a very lucky girl.  I am spending the day with my daddy today so another blessing.  Church tomorrow I am so looking forward to that. I was reading the bible yesterday and trying to figure out what it meant with my girlfriend and think that we figured it out.  We think better together that is for sure and God told us that also. I love feeling the Holy Spirit and wish everyone could feel it.  I will pray for that.  I want to thank God for all his blessings that he continues to give me and my family.  Have a great day everyone God bless.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

what a wonderful day, I am so blessed to have the Lord guiding me in my journey with him.  I have met and continue to meet amazing people.  I was talking to a special friend today about the Holy Spirit and how it makes me feel so good.  I get sad when I don't feel him but I also know that he wants us to learn without having to continually guide us.  we need to know what is right and what is good. We need to show God that we are worthy of having the Holy Spirit in our lives.  I am blessed that I do have this gift. I have prayed and asked God to bring me these people in my life and he is bringing them. He does answer your prayers on his time or plan not ours so be patient and it will happen I promise.  I am the worst at this anyone who knows me will vouch for that.  I am learning though as things are starting to fall into place that waiting for his time is all it took. So maybe this will help me be more patient for the next time.  Thank  you Lord for that.  I will pray harder for that gift of patients.  I am not sure about a couple of things yet but I do know for sure one thing that he will guide me the direction he wants me to go and I thank him for that.  I love you Lord so very much....I am truly blessed in so many ways and grateful for all them.  God bless all...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I had a wonderful day thanks to our Lord,  Got to spend some time with my sister and sister in law that was very nice.  Then made lasagna, salad, bread and strawberry shortcake for dinner.  Had company that was nice.  Good food, good people what more could you ask for.  Getting to know someone new is really fun and I forgot how much.  Not used to someone being really sweet to me.  Got in my car this morning and was driving and I had to pull over cause someone put a Pink Rose and a little note that said "enough said WOW" and then flipped it over and it said ""you deserve a lot more of these".  How sweet is that... God is just working in amazing ways lately and I truly feel blessed.  I almost am a little weary as so many good things are happening.  But I know it is all God,  Thank you Lord for all this.  I will continue to do his work and obey as much as possible.  Today I know I was tested out of the blue, I walked in and  felt this overwhelming anger from no where.  But then I knew where it was coming from so I just commanded it to leave.  I cant even share just how blessed I am he truly is an amazing GOD.  People please if you dont already have him in your life just ask him.  close your eyes and say Lord I want you to come into my life and take all of me your direction and I promise he will do amazing things in your life too.  God Bless

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Good morning, I am feeling a little better today I think.  I was just reading the bible 1 Thessalonians 4 it reminds us to do Gods word.  I will go about my day today doing exactly that.  I know that this is the only way. So be true to not only yourself but others.  Think about their feelings and the small things that make them happy.  Smile, laugh and enjoy what God has blessed us with.  The sun makes that a whole lot easier.  I have the food bank tonight and always enjoy the people there and the people we get to meet through the Lord.  It restores faith and brings me New Hope each time.  Stay Strong in the Lord and never give up Hope and we all can do great things in his name.  I am going to go about my day KNOWING that God has his hands on me and will help me through.  God bless all.....

Monday, May 14, 2012

So today was a good day.  I am feeling a little better, went and worked out this morning not my usual workout as I couldn't, it hurt my stomach to much.  Not sure what kinda bug this is but man it doesn't like me. Had some strange dreams last night about trust issues and really made me think today.  what my dreams were about wasn't really what I was feeling rather what someone thinks I am feeling so that is the weird part.  You know the saying time heals, well time has come and I am moving forward so I tell you thank God for this because I see what he has planned it is great.  I have had some exciting things happen in the last couple of days and man I would have never imagined me... How great is that.  I will fill you in when I have more information but I am excited about it, just don't want to jinks it.... I am so glad I didn't settle.  Everything happens for a reason and Patience  is a virtue.  I will continue on my path with the Lord cause that is the only Path I see myself on and the people waiting on the sides of the path to help me through are just a huge bonus I get along the way. Thank you Lord for this blessing you keep giving me because you love me.  I love you.. Amen.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday and Mothers day, couldn't ask for a better day.  went to church early and helped in the children's ministry then went and spent time with my girls and my parents.  It was a really good mothers day.  However still not feeling good at all.  Wish I could have stayed for second service but I had a lot to do today and still moving extremely slow.  So on my way to Portland I was talking to my daughter about something that has been bugging me and I figured it out.  Do we  want the things or people that just make us say "yeah I think I do" or do we really want it all.  I know that God has been leading me into that path the one that has it all the path that shows me the light and I kept going for the night light.  I was also tested this morning with something that really makes me angry and I could have really been worse then I was but I chose to walk away and just avoid the confrontation that was about to happen.  I have met so many new people in the last few days and very interesting people.  I am excited to get to know them better and maybe learn a lot from them also.  It is extremely important to me to share the word of God with them and for them to do the same.  That is why I am glad that these people are also on the same path as I am maybe even stronger.  I cant tell you how excited I am to really share and spend time with them.  God has just done some amazing things in my life and more and more everyday I get to share and meet some truly amazing people.  God bless all of you and have a wonderful God filled evening.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I was reading the bible this morning and I read 2 Samuel 22, it just made me think alot about things that we struggle with daily.  Like pride.  now this is a hard one.  We all want to be right but are we? Right?  Huum well is it really that important to prove that we are right.  This I am learning is not that important and that if I let this go at those times then those feelings also go.  which is anger, frustration, selfishness, and letting go of that makes me feel free.  There are so many times that I want to just say you did this and that is why I did that.  But really is that important all that is in the past let it go, I know that I want to let it go that's why I'm changing my life to let go of all those things that are not important to God.  Pride is not one of them.  I know that I want to show people what God wants us to do and not what this world thinks we should do.  I want to be there for my friends and family when in need and just because.  I want to think of them before myself.  This is what I will do today, as much as I can as I am still not feeling good.  Emma has 2 soccer games today and I am excited to see them.  Then I need to prepare for the children's ministry for tomorrow morning.  I think I over did myself yesterday so I will try and take it easy today.  I want to thank all of those we prayed for me and continue to pray what great people I have in my life have a wonderful day and remember to thank and praise God for he is our Rock....Amen

Friday, May 11, 2012

Still not feeling good at all, I should have stayed in bed but I was to busy to be sick. I washed my sheets so they would be fresh when I finally got to crawl in to them tonight.  I cooked stir fry and white rice and a huge pan of brownies for the exchange bible group at the Goddards house.  I met some really nice people. I didn't stay long as the cooking took it all out of me, then I had to go to the church and water the plants cause I didn't do it yesterday since I was worse off sick wise.  Both girls are gone and I really wish Bri was here, it is not fun being sick by yourself.  Even though I was sick God still gave me the strength to get done what I needed to with out throwing up.  Thank you for that cause I was getting a little worried with all the smells.  LOL anyway I still feel like a very loved and blessed girl through God.  He does amazing things even when your down and sick.  I got to see Amanda today and she always lifts my spirits and the new people I met are really great also.  I know that everyone and everything we do and meet is Gods plan so Bring it on, hopefully I will feel better for it.. Think I will watch a movie and hopefully fall asleep. I also want to thank all the people, friends and family that prayed for me today.  I am so blessed to have all of you in my life... God bless you all and have a wonderful evening and the sweetest God filled dreams.  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

So I'm not feeling all that great today, haven't been sick in a long while.  Bummed I really wanted to go to my work out class it always makes me feel better and takes my troubles away.  If I feel better later maybe I will just go run.  Anyway had a few set backs yesterday but I am not going to let that get me down.  I know that God will guide me through this and I will become stronger because of it.  Even though I am not feeling good I will try as much as I can to continue to do Gods work I know that this not only helps other see him, know him but it really helps me.  I know that through anything he will be there right with me and I am telling you I needed him last night.  He was there and I could feel his love that is what gets me through these times.  I will continue to follow his path and this or nothing else will stop me. I am determined to follow and do his work.  I hope that I can inspire one person at a time to just ask him into their life and see what he can do for them.  That is all it takes one person at a time.  God bless all a very wonderful day filled with the LORD. Amen.....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I was reading the Bible this morning and a verse comes to mind.  "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed" You can move mountains.  I have the faith I just need to believe in that.  This world can not ever comprehend what this truly means.  I want to move mountains and show people what kind of faith I have.  I don't want to just ask God for things I want or think I need, I want to help him.  I want to show the world who he is and have them see him in me.  I know that this is possible and I do believe so I will show and share what I am learning and keep learning through him.  He never changes, his love is always faithful and he will always be by your side.  How amazing is that, truly amazing. share his message as much as you can and we can change this world to his way.  Now that is the miracle we are all waiting for.  But don't just wait do something about it.  PAY IT FORWARD.  Keep doing this and his word will spread like the plague.  Now this is a GOOD plague I want to spread as much as I can.  Thank you Lord for all your blessings to my family and I love you Amen.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

LORD, You are my rock, my fortress and my Savior; my God, in whom I trust, My refuge, and the strength of my life...

I was reading this, this morning and realized that he is my Savior and that I can not do anything without him. at least the good the way I want to follow not who I was.  I do Trust in him and know that all things are possible with him.. He has brought me so much joy lately even through the sorrow.  He has picked me up when I was and am down.  I ask him to take my worries and sorrows away and he does, how great is that... Do you know anyone else that can do this.  No, I know I don't this I praise him for.  Just as you think that "Why Me" remember there is a reason for all this.  He has the answers just ask him.  He will tell you but you have to really mean it when you pray not just "Hey can I have ???"  cause that is not how it works.  He will answer your prays not all of them  because he has bigger and better plans for us.  Wow I love you God.... I want to learn to Love like he does and I know I will never even get close but boy I am going to try.. I want to make up for all the mistakes that I have made in my life so I have a lot to make up for. If I have hurt anyone one of you reading this Please forgive me for I did not know how or what I did to  hurt you and if I can make it up please let me know I want to make things right.  I Love the Lord and will go about my day doing his WORD.  Amen.  

Monday, May 7, 2012

So I have a couple of days to catch up on. Friday I went to my Daddy's house and stayed the night with my youngest daughter Emma, we went to a May 5th celebration Saturday.  Got to see my youngest brother Eric that is here from Hawaii that was really great.  Good food, family and friends and new people.  Had a great time with everyone especially my parents.  Its always nice to go home and feel like a kids again.  I always feel save when I am at there house and like I am young again.  You are never to old to need your parents love that is for sure.  My son called yesterday asked why I haven't wrote and well didn't have a good excuse.  Just had a bad week and still battling this feeling that I have and cant seem to shake it.  I don't know what it means and that is why it is really hard for me.  I know that its wrong because of the circumstance that could hurt someone.   So the greatest pain is going to be within to let go, but I know I have to, just don't want too. God would not want any of this.  He wouldn't want me hurt or hurt anyone else.  Life throw us these curves or test whatever you want to call them but what you do about it is the real test.  I know and have known what to do I just keep hoping that a different decision from the other side will happen and hasn't so I have to make it and trust me its not easy.  I know that God would want me to make the right decision not the easy one.  So I will .... I ask him for his strength because I need it and cant do this without him.  I want to walk and do things his way not what I want cause I know he has plans for me.  I ask him to take these feelings away and just move me forward.  I ask this in his sons name Jesus Christ. Amen Now today I will battle with this but I know that I can get down to my knees and talk to him when it is to hard to stand.  Remember he does listen and if you think he doesn't cause your prayers haven't been answered it is not him not listening it is because his plans are different and better then your prayers at that time.  They are better....

Friday, May 4, 2012

Faith, Hope and Love:  So my friend Lisa and I were talking about this yesterday and first you must have the Faith to get Hope to achieve Love.  Once you have Love it conquers all..... So when when you think about this saying it really brings about a greater meaning.  LOVE Love is all we need to achieve anything.  The love of our God is so much bigger then we could ever imagine and all we really need.  You think about Love in a different manner because that is how we are taught.  But really look at the meaning and wow its big real big.  If we have this Love we forgive and when we forgive we Love....I want this kind of Love, so I ask you Lord to guide me to this and show me the way to Love like no other Love.  with this and with you I know I can do anything.  If I have this kind of Love it pours out of me to others and they will see what God has to offer and ask him in to achieve the Love that they have always had with them.  This I pray not only for me but for everyone to a new brighter, Happier Life with God.  God  Bless all...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yesterday I learned another valuable lesson.  Sometimes when we Joke with our kids or think that we are being friends to them is wrong.  we are setting examples that are not of God and this is not how he wants us to direct our children.  I had to tell him how sorry I was because I was ashamed that I thought this was funny.  So I will try harder to show them what is right and wrong, good and bad and of God and God alone.  This will help them to not even think about decisions like this as they grow up to young adults.  Don't get me wrong I have great well behaved kids, but sometimes it really is the little things that we say the sticks with them the most.  So remember love your children for they are a gift from God and he wants us to teach them in his word not the word of the world.  This I will do today and everyday forward.  Thank you Lord for these blessings that are of you.  I Love you Lord.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

So yesterday was another big step toward walking forward with our Lord and man I did it.  I made it through yesterday with  the grace of God.  I have made huge changes in my life and can honestly say I am proud of myself.  I have never been good at that nor asking people for help.  God is showing me how to do both, and this is not a bad thing we all need a little help once in awhile. I am letting go of my past and starting a new future with God and this makes me feel free... Clean like I just took the longest shower of the world.  So I go into today with this in mind, I'm new and I'm for God.  Use me to do whatever it is that you would like me to do I am your employee of this world.  I want to keep my thoughts and actions in his way not the way of this world.  So I will try my hardest to be all that for him.  Yesterday I felt a little self pity but I laid down and prayed and he had me rest for a bit.  then he sent his angles to come get me, cheer me up and move on.  We all have days that we say how am I going to get through this and remember just kneel down and ask him and he will show you how you will get through this as he is showing me.  So I give him my worries and Trust that he will do this.  I believe with all my heart that he will provide the things that I need and the wisdom to show me what is important in my life.  Once again he gave me HOPE for another day of wonderful miracles through our GOD.  God bless all of you and have a day full of miracles.  Amen

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I was awoken at 3 again with the word Trust.  Maybe because my whole life I have had this trust issue.  I have never fully trusted anyone, never let anyone in fully because I didn't trust them.  Well God is telling me Trust in him.  "Trust in the lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." proverbs 3:5. We couldn't fully understand what God has planned for us because this is his way and he is God.  We here on earth want signs, proof so we can believe and trust in him.  Well, he gives us plenty we choose to look the other way.  I am choosing to TRUST in him and not look but to follow his way.  I know in my heart that this is the only way I want to go, so I say to you I TRUST he will do all the things he says he will and I will never understand how, nor do I want to even try and figure it out.  HE IS GOD and that is all I need to Trust in.  He continues to amaze me with miracles everyday.  Now that is a whole nether subject that I am sure he will talk about through this blog.  So when you go about your days with the Lord by your side, TRUST.  Just remember to Trust for he is right there with you always and he will do as he says he will.  "The lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him" Nahum 1:7.  I want to know him and I know he already knows me, so this is my time to Trust and show him that I believe that I trust in him fully for he is my GOD.  Amen